Coding and Physical Computing for Kids

This is a Coding and Physical Computing event where kids can get hands-on practice with the BBC Micro:bit . Each child that attends this course will take home their own Micro:bit.

Kids will experiment and complete a number of programming projects using Python(MicroPython) a programming language on the Micro:bit, wires, buzzers, LEDs, breadboards, sensors and buttons and more.

Kids aged 11-16 from mainstream schools of all abilities from beginners who have never written a line of code to kids who have prior coding experience are all welcome.

Parents: there will be break and healthy snacks will be provided – just drop your child off in the morning, and pick them up at the end of the fun-filled, workshop day.

The focus of this workshop is to help children learn about various aspects of technology and coding.

Venue: REYO Paddock School

Date: 7th September 2019

Time : 9am - 3pm

*The ticket price allows kids to take the micro:bit controller home at the end of the workshop.

For tickets, please here